Events & activities at Paradisverkstaden

Paradis Babycafé - every Wednesday
Every Wednesday at 10:00 Paradisverkstaden is filled with prams, babies and coffee-hungry parents.
Crêperie Paradis always shows up with a buffet of something savory & something sweet. All in a cozy environment at Paradisverkstaden. It will be a lovely social event where most of the visitors stay until after lunch.
Please let us know how many you will be and if you have any allergies.
Sign up for a good time via Crêperiet's Instagram

Brunch Crêperie Paradis
Every Sunday 11-15:00 the Crêperiet presents its delicious brunch in front of the fire at Paradisverkstaden.
At brunch, there are always classic accessories such as freshly baked croissants, cheeses, marmalade and fruit as well as good cold cuts, fresh salads and a selection of cold meats.
Price SEK 375/person
Table reservations are accepted via Crêperiet's instagram. Report the number of people, time and any allergies or dietary preferences we need to take into account.
Warm welcome

Raku on Paradis
A creative & social activity that is fun to do with family & friends. You can decorate on ceramics with guidance from Paradisverkstaden. To then look at the raku firing.
We have been doing razor burning for many years and it is always just as exciting. All the elements are mixed, Fire, Air, Water and Clay in one and the same process.